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The Creation
The Patriarchal Age Pt. 1

Elementary Studies
Lesson 3


In our last lesson we discussed briefly the three ages, or period, in which we can divide Bible history. The first of these is the Patriarchal age, or the age in which God spoke directly with the fathers.

This period began with Adam and ended with the giving of the Law of Moses at Mount Sinai. This was about 2500 years. We can read about this age in the Bible in Genesis and the first twenty chapters of Exodus, the first two books in the Bible.

In the very beginning of the Bible we read where God created [or made] everything. He created the stars, sun, moon, earth and everything in it. The last thing to be created was man. God formed Adam, the first man out of the dust of the earth and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living soul. [Genesis 2:7]. After Adam was created, God took a rib from his side and created the first woman, Eve.

At this time, the world and all that was in it, including Adam and Eve were perfect. God planted a beautiful garden and put Adam and Eve in it to take care of it. They were allowed freedom of the entire garden except for the tree of knowledge of good and evil. God told them not to eat of the fruit of that tree.

One day the devil in the form of serpent came to Eve. He persuaded Eve to eat of the tree that God told them not to eat. After Eve ate of the fruit she then gave to Adam and he ate also. The Bible tells us “And the eyes of them both were opened and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves apron.” [Genesis 3:7]

When God came that evening to walk with them, they hid themselves because they realized they were naked. After God had talked with them, he pronounced a curse upon the serpent [Genesis 3:14-15], upon Eve [Genesis 3:16], and upon Adam [Genesis 3:16-18]. Then God drove Adam and Eve out of the beautiful Garden of Eden. [Genesis 3:24-25]. This was part of their punishment for disobeying God.

In Genesis chapter four we read of three of Adam and Eve’s sons. Their names were Cain, Abel and Seth.

Here in Genesis chapter four we read of the first murder. Cain and Abel both offered sacrifices to God. Cain offered the fruit of the ground which God had not commanded. Abel brought a lamb which God had commanded and offered it. The Bible tells us that “By faith Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain.” [Hebrew 11:4] God was pleased with Abel’s offering but was disappointed with Cain’s. After this, Cain was very angry that his offering was not accepted by God. Then he performed the terrible act of murder by killing his brother. After this, God put a curse upon Cain. [Genesis 4:11-12].

We learn from the lessons of Adam, Eve and Cain that God always punished man when he disobeys him. This should be a warning to us today.

Our lesson was taken from the first four chapters of Genesis. To learn even more about our lesson we should read these chapters. In the next lesson we will study more about other Patriarchs and how God dealt with them.

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